Some will be against you no matter what

Some people are just hard to understand. They have different motives for doing things but they may be so foreign to our own that it just doesn’t fall within our mental framework. There are people I’ve come across that I can’t figure out when I apply my own thought processes to their situation. But the reason it doesn’t work out is because their thought process is entirely different from my own. They have entirely different reasons for doing things with an entirely different world view.

As much as you try getting along with all people, there are certain others who will make that virtually impossible. You try to be as nice as possible, as friendly as possible, with all the right intentions, but some people just aren’t having it. It’s like they’re saying, “How dare you try to get along with me. I’ll show you.” And even if they may somehow convince you that they want to be friends, in their heart of hearts they’ll always be hostile towards you. Their attitude is that they see everyone as the enemy. Even the people they would call their friends are still enemies to them. I’m sure there are solid psychological reasons for all this, but I’ve come to the conclusion that some people are just bent on destruction. They have a desire to observe, and participate in, tearing things down. They are a kind of emotional arsonist. They like to say things to provoke a reaction, and especially anger, in order to engage you in a negative direction.
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I know it’s difficult to understand, but my theory is that they just have something gnawing at them on the inside, such an emotional void, and are at such a low point in their self-worth, that the only thing they know how to do is bring everyone and everything down with them. This is their last vestige of hope for relieving the aching they have inside themselves. They’ve given up on happiness for themselves, so they want to prevent it in others as well. They’ve lost hope, in essence. And, unfortunately, that’s the picture that a loss of hope paints. It’s a picture of emptiness and destruction.

The danger in this scenario isn’t really just that these people are dangerous, but in not realizing what you’re dealing with. You can get trapped in the thinking that you just need to keep extending an olive branch to them, but no matter how many times you try they’ll just burn the branch. At some point, this has a negative effect on you. And not that you don’t hope the best for them, and that they’ll change, but you still have to protect yourself. But, mostly, know that if you take a stance on anything you will always have enemies. And some people will make you their enemy no matter how hard you try to be friends.

…Let’s go deeper

2 thoughts on “Some will be against you no matter what”

  1. Well put Bradley! “I am a man of peace; but when I speak, they are for war.” Psalm 120:7

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