You have more freedom than you think

Some fear the notion of a supreme being who oversees everything. I suppose they prefer to think that they have free reign and all accountability begins and ends with them. Given the option, they gravitate towards a more laissez-faire approach to living. That works in economics, but not so well in life. But even in an economy, things don’t work if there isn’t some kind of moral underpinning to what you do.

Actually, the term ‘laissez-faire’ just means that there isn’t interference when it isn’t needed. In the case of an economy, that means that the government doesn’t over-regulate, and it doesn’t try to control the outcome. Really, it just tries to create a level playing field. The rules are there to create the best chance of success for everybody. It’s the free-market economy at its best. But we don’t usually complain about these boundaries. In reality, we know why they’re there. In fact, if they weren’t there we would end up complaining because it would result in our rights being infringed upon. The boundaries we sometimes see as restrictive are also the same boundaries that end up protecting us. We just choose to focus on the things that are prohibited rather than all the things that are allowed. The boundaries help to build the structure in anything that’s worth building.  
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A kid who has structure in their life learns early on how to direct their life in the proper way. Show me a kid who grew up with boundaries and I’ll show you someone who has a much better chance of success. See, their parents weren’t there to kill their fun, even though the the kid may have thought so at times. They were there to give them guidance. Boundaries can seem like restrictions until you realize why they’re there. An unrestricted life is not true freedom; it’s chaos. But for all the things you may be prohibited in doing, you have countless options of things that are allowed. In a free society, such as the United States, everything is allowed unless expressly prohibited by law. In totalitarian societies, most things are prohibited unless expressly allowed by the government. See, in the latter instance is where you are truly restricted. It’s then that you’re being controlled, and not guided.

Since no society can exist in the form of anarchy, there are only two options left. You can choose the truly free society with proper boundaries, or you can choose the totalitarian society that tries to control everything. It’s like choosing to live in your parent’s house, or living under the Gulag in the Soviet Union. You may have a tendency to complain about restrictions until you’re living under forced slavery. Then you realize the life with true boundaries wasn’t so bad. In fact, it was the best life available. For as many restrictions as you complain about, you can be thankful that they’re there because without them you wouldn’t be truly free.

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