Actions aren’t contingent on the response received

We often run into difficult situations in life. Difficult situations are often easier just to avoid than to face them head on. Sometimes we think we should say or do something. But what’s the first question we ask before we ever try to address something controversial, or seemingly so? That’s right, “What will people think?” Especially us people-pleasers like myself. Because we’re not sure how people might respond or what people might think. And, my gosh, if someone were to think of us as anything less than exemplary, well, that would just be just unacceptable! Yeah, I know you’ve probably never been guilty of this. So, it’s probably just me—insert sarcasm here.

Anyway, I’ve found myself in this frame of mind more times than I care to count. The thing is, I’ve often found, on the rare occasion I did do something that required me to step out of my comfort zone, that the consequences weren’t nearly as dire as I expected. They were just manufactured in my mind. So, some of this comes down to fear. You know, False-Evidence-Appearing-Real. Yeah…thanks…but no I didn’t come up with that. I’m not exactly sure where I got it from. I just know I can’t take credit for it. Anyway, the funny thing is, this is exactly what fear often ends up being. It’s like a dog with no teeth. It can’t hurt you. Really! The more I would learn and understand this, the better off I would be.

But let’s say for instance that even if your confrontation or, whatever action you feel you should take, is not well received. Should that keep you from doing that thing? Well, I would say, “No”. Now, I understand there are times where you shouldn’t needlessly antagonize someone. Or, you shouldn’t make a “goof” out of yourself for no reason. So, don’t go paint your house purple with yellow polka-dots just to prove you don’t care what people think. On second thought, maybe you should care just a little what people think. But, the point being, that there sometimes are repercussions to what we say and do. And we let these things determine whether we say or do that thing. That shouldn’t be.

So, how to overcome this? Well, one thing I’ve found helpful is just to remember that False-Evidence-Appearing-Real thing. Because if you put that fear into its proper context you are bringing that thing back down into the realm of the real world. When you do that then that thing seems conquerable. The next thing to remember is that we might have to incorporate just a little aspect of another thing called ‘courage’. Yeah, I know. But, you can do it. Trust me.

So, is that it? Well, not quite.


…Let’s go deeper

…Let’s go deeper—Actions aren’t contingent on the response received

So, I really want to focus on one main Bible verse today that applies to this. Yeah…no…I know…no, I’m not slacking. Trust me. Because this one verse covers a lot of ground. OK, I’ll maybe add some others later on. But, the verse is this, John 12:43: “For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God”. Yeah, that’s it. What does that mean you ask? Well, it’s interesting because in the context of this verse Jesus is in the midst of the Chief priests and Pharisees. And this verse is referring to the Chief priests. It says that some of them believed on Jesus but were afraid because they were in the presence the Pharisees, so they didn’t confess him.

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Another thing about this verse that really stands out to me is just the example Jesus is here for us. It’s the perfect example of complete opposites. Jesus is our best and only example here on Earth. And in this verse Jesus demonstrates the complete opposite of the Chief Priests. He loved the praise of ‘God’ more than the praise of ‘men’. Jesus said that he always does those things that please the Father. So, if I want an example for putting this into practice, I can look no better place than Him. When you look at the life of Jesus he was always about the Father’s business. Regardless of the repercussions. He did what was pleasing to the Father. He was obedient. The Bible says in Philippians 2:8, “And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” And we can all be thankful he did. The power of what he did on the cross is what washes away our sins when we believe on him.

So, having said all that, I’ll say it again. That verse covers a lot of ground. So, just remember to be more bold. And we also know that “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) See, there’s another Bible verse for ya!

John 12:43: “For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.”

Philippians 2:8, “And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

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