My Inaugural Post


    Well, this is my inaugural post as I start my new blog. This post is just meant to explain my blog and some of the things I will talk about on here.

    The name of my blog probably explains a lot of what I’m going to discuss here. The main thing that I’ve noticed recently is that we have a lot of people talking about tolerance or politically correct or whatever you want to call it. It seems, though, that in that effort a lot of lines have gotten blurred and then everything starts to run together until no one knows what’s what anymore. Like a painting that everyone could tell what it was before, until someone threw a bucket of water on it and all the colors just started to run together. And now nobody knows what it means. I believe in this day and age what we need more than ever is just to be told the truth. Because, really, what else is there?

    In everything in life there are many falsehoods, but only one truth. We can just look at the natural world and see this is the case. If I throw something into the air I know that it will eventually come back down to the Earth. I know that the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West. I know that the Earth revolves around the Sun. All of these things are without dispute. We need to start to question why we don’t believe there are clearly defined truths in moral matters, spiritual matters, civil matters, interpersonal matters. So, what is the truth? Can I really just arbitrarily decide what is true in all of these areas? Am I the master of my own universe? Are there really many truths? Because if there are then that would go against the very definition of truth, wouldn’t it? I mean, one of the defining characteristics of truth is that it’s exclusive. How can one thing be true and the exact opposite be true at the same time? That would be chaos. And in that instance our world couldn’t really exist. The reality is we live in a world of clearly defined truths. They’re all around us. We can’t escape them. Yet we can live a life in denial of them.

    So, if we know there is a truth, then why does it matter? What’s the difference? Well, we can tell from natural things that it matters. A plant only grows if it has oxygen, sunlight and water. I can’t just say to the plant, “Grow, plant!”, and then deny it these three things it needs to grow. I know that going to work gives me the right to a paycheck. I know that if I want groceries I have to go to the store and buy them. These things are all very much common sense. But if I live in denial of all these things that I know to be true, I will very much suffer the negative consequences of that denial. So, that’s why truth matters. We somehow forgot along the way that truth matters. And this is when your life truly has power. When you are living a life in line with the truth. Because then you’re engaged, you’re on the train track, you’re chugging down the rail, you’re on a mission and you know exactly where you’re going! That’s why truth matters!

Postmodernism, moral relativism, ‘what’s right for you may not be right for me’; they have all had their day. Let’s just find out what the truth is. Let’s give truth a chance.
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Just to explain my blog; on the main page I plan to have a post where I will discuss some current event, an idea, some anecdote or happening in my life and how truth applies or how it applies to the truth. Then, at the bottom of that page I will have a link called ‘…Let’s go deeper’. On this page I will take what I’ve just said on the main page further. I will have Bible verses and scripture references that apply to these areas. Now, you can gain some understanding and some good insight from the main page. But I would strongly encourage you to click through to the ‘…Lets’ go deeper’ section, as I believe this is where you’ll find the real gold nuggets. The source of truth—God’s Word.

Anyway, thank you for reading my blog. I’ll plan to have a post on here five days a week; Monday through Friday. I appreciate you stopping to read and contemplate these things with me. Feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me at


Appreciably, Bradley Kallas


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