90 percent of success in life is just paying attention

I’ve come to this simple conclusion about life: that 90 percent of your success lies in just paying attention. I know—-I could have done much better in school had I only known earlier. But it seems to follow that many of our problems happen because we miss the details of what’s going on. I think we underestimate how often we miss the boat because we’re not even aware there was a boat to miss.

The things we neglect to observe work against us in that we’re unaware of the opportunities we miss, and we miss opportunities to prevent mistakes. I’ve noticed in the midst of observing life that you can usually determine what works and what doesn’t. And you have the advantage of doing that by watching the mistakes or successes of others and applying those lessons to your own life; you don’t have to actually endure the heartache of life lessons yourself in order to learn from them. It could be partly why as the youngest in my family, I was able to learn from my older siblings. Without realizing it, they sometimes taught me what not to do. I could observe their mistakes from a distance and think, “Yeah, I don’t think I’m going to try that one.” I can chalk that up as a lesson learned without having to endure the pain myself. But to their credit, I was also able to learn from their successes as well. Those things that worked in their favor were also solid proving grounds for me to learn from.

And not that I was so astute in applying their life lessons to my own situation—I still sometimes insisted on taking that leap-before-you-look approach. Some lessons just don’t take vicariously; you have to find out for yourself if it’s a good idea to hit golf balls across the highway. But, again, just paying attention would have been helpful. Sometimes the worst disservice to ourselves is in being oblivious to the obvious.
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It is surprising the simple but important things you can learn from paying attention. IQ might be overrated in this regard. With even an average intelligence, we can get pretty far in life by just observing and recognizing which methods and processes work and which ones fall short. It’s in committing to the process that we see the road to success begin to lay open before us. It doesn’t always have to be the tough arduous journey we think. While all pain is not avoidable, we can avoid some of the pain and misery by not inflicting it on ourselves.

So, your disgruntled elementary school teacher was right. You know, the one who was always shouting, “Pay attention!”, in disgust. Think of all the useful stuff you missed because you were just staring out the window daydreaming. See, if you had done nothing but pay attention, you could have likely gotten those grades up into that 90 percent range rather than bouncing along the bottom in the low 70s.

…Let’s go deeper

One thought on “90 percent of success in life is just paying attention”

  1. This blog was spot on. We tend to miss out on so many opportunities because we are caught in our own World especially when it pertains to ministering to others. If we were only more others centered. It hit me between the eyes!

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